Open House Europe Launch event


Open House Europe Launch event. Photo by Giedrius Akelis © Courtesy of Architektūros fondas
Open House Europe Launch event. Photo by Giedrius Akelis © Courtesy of Architektūros fondas

The beginning of March marked the launch of a new international cooperation project Open House Europe, which will embrace a more inclusive debate about architecture and strengthen the role of architecture as a positive change-maker addressing relevant social and environmental challenges.

The launch of the project was hosted by the project coordinator Architektūros fondas at the National Gallery of Art in Vilnius, Lithuania on the 3rd of March.

Open House Europe was initiated by 11 European cultural organisations that annually organise 12 Open House events in their cities including Athens, Bilbao, Brno, Dublin, Essen, Lisbon, Milan, multiple cities in Slovenia, Stockholm, Tallinn, Thessaloniki and Vilnius.

This three-year project, co-funded by the European Union, will aim its common agenda in three directions which will shape its yearly programme: sustainability, accessibility and inclusion, and future heritage. Open House Europe will strengthen the architecture culture sector through collaborative learning, shape the agenda for contemporary architecture debate, ensure more inclusive and engaging access to knowledge, and bring the values of quality-designed space closer to the general public.

The project will seek to include other partners in Europe and further knowledge exchange by collaborating with the extended Open House Worldwide network.

The project is coordinated by Architektūros fondas and co-funded by the European Union.