Open House Europe unites 15 organisations across Europe. Each project partner shares a common purpose: to make architecture more accessible to the public. By sharing experience, knowledge and best practices, the network enhances public appreciation and understanding of European architecture.

Each year, the Open House Europe Project Coordinator organises the Annual Summit to bring partners together for knowledge exchange. These meetings are crucial for sharing best practices and learning from one another.

Every year, the network grows by inviting two new partners. In 2023, Open House Barcelona and Open House Prague joined and became fully contributing members of the cooperation project. Additionally, Open House Tirana, Open House Copenhagen and Open House Zagreb were invited to the 2023 Annual Summit as guest cities to learn more about the Open House network and its community.
a partner
Open House Europe expands its network annually by greeting new partner organisations. If you want to become a part of the Open House Europe community, join us!
Learn moreProject Coordinator
The Open House Europe project is coordinated by Architektūros fondas, located in Vilnius, Lithuania. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that fosters a network to broaden public understanding of architecture, applying its principles across various fields.